Well, Since You Asked...

Well, Since You Asked...

My commentary on sports, entertainment, the news and whatever else pops into my shiny bald head.
Monday, April 14, 2003
The Wrath of The Establishment

While taking my usual stroll through various entertainment news media the past few days, I've noticed a common theme: Everybody and their grandmother wants to spoil The Matrix Reloaded for me.

The Matrix sequels are off the charts on my personal anticipation meter, as is the case with most people. Now, once I know that I want to see a particular movie, I don't need to hear a single thing about it. I don't read reviews until after the movie, and I don't even like hearing plot synopses. But the problem is, The Establishment is determined to ruin the experience for me. Entertainment Weekly, in their second Reloaded preview in the past year, blares "Everything You Need to Plug Into The Movie Event of the Year," aggressively trying to bombard me character and plot details. Entertainment Tonight will not rest until I watch one of their infinite behind-the-scenes exclusive previews. My buddy at work spends all day scheming about how he's going to ambush me with detailed descriptions of the latest Reloaded trailer. It's a daily battle to stay uninformed.

Am I the only person who feels that the highly-anticipated Event Movies is a dish best served fresh? As far as I can remember, there was absolutely nothing I needed to know before I saw Spider-Man, Attack of the Clones, Minority Report or any of the other recent summer blockbusters. At no point during the movies did any character make reference to a prerequisite Access Hollywood scoop. So I plead to The Establishment: stop trying to co-opt my enjoyment of The Matrix Reloaded! Stop trying to get me more excited! You already have my vote, so just end the campaign and stay out of my life!
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